#210: The Two Ancestral Fears You Need to Understand | Jean Oursler
With a Ph.D. in Business Psychology, Dr. Jean is a top-rated speaker, a world-class business performance coach, the creator of Caveman Brain® and an EOS Implementer®. Dr. Jean’s clients call her The Results Queen® because she is about getting unprecedented results that creates and maintains unprecedented levels of performance. Dr. Jean uses her mission, “To Leave You Better, Than I Found You”, to help everyone understand what your Caveman Brain is so you can prevent it from holding you back and use it to propel you forward to better results in business and in life. Fun Fact: Dr. Jean has visited 5 continents and is planning on visiting the other two in 2023. Website: https://cavemanbrain.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/braintree-group-inc/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cavemanbrain 1:01 Ancestral Fears 2:09 "Caveman brain is aways going to be with us." -Jean Oursler 3:09 Do We Make up Threats? 4:45 "Lets talk about the way of being liked." -Jean Oursler 7:14 "Most people have not taken the time or energy to really like themselves." -Jean Oursler 8:39 "What you could do to put yourself first is take the day off." -Jean Oursler 9:46 Vacation Time: No Phone or Computer 10:49 "You start a business for freedom." -Jean Oursler
From "Red Beard Radio with Brian Keith"
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