#208: Knowing When to Rest for Better Performance | Carla Fowler
Carla Fowler, MD PhD founded THAXA out of a passion for performance science, where the fields of strategy, productivity, and psychology intersect. Since its inception in 2013, THAXA’s scientific approach to individualized coaching has attracted a devoted client base of dozens of executives at firms ranging from Fortune 500 technology companies to venture-backed startups to innovative nonprofits. Carla’s coaching methods draw upon the multidisciplinary field of performance science to generate the best ideas surrounding strategy, execution, and mindset to assist leaders in their endeavors. Over the past 10 years, she has distilled the key principles of performance into understandable concepts and a method that helps leaders incorporate these ideas into their day-to-day performance, helping them go faster and improving their results. Outside of her coaching, Carla truly enjoys sharing her key performance principles with audiences while engaging in thought-provoking conversations surrounding her passion for performance science. Carla graduated from Brown University magna cum laude, earned her MD and PhD at the University of Washington, and completed her internship in general surgery at Stanford University. Website: https://www.thaxa.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrCarlaFowler Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carla-fowler/ 3:10 "What should I do, how can I know?" -Brian Keith 4:29 "How balanced in the things that matter to you have you been?" -Carla Fowler 5:30 "What are the things that really matter to you?" -Carla Fowler 7:18 What You Need vs. What You Do 8:22 How We Live Real Lives 9:28 Have Some Good Now 11:43 Front Loading Your Week 16:23 Pen and Paper - No Distraction 17:54 The Dark Side of the Open Loop
From "Red Beard Radio with Brian Keith"
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