#207: Transformational Breathwork to Grow Your Business | Alessandra Caprice
Alessandra Caprice is an Energetic Business Mastery Coach who has founded a unique combination of business strategy and breathwork in her Money Breathwork method. She is a former private practice psychotherapist who after 3 years as an online Business Strategist for mentors, coaches, changemakers, and healers, realized there was something missing from the business growth and development sector. She believes that in order to advance in business and to actually sustain big money months, own their bigness, and make more money, women need to heal their limiting beliefs, money traumas, and take off their, what she calls, Armors of Smallness™ while simultaneously expanding into what was possible. She is paving the way for the use of breathwork as a business expansion tool, being one of the first to do so focusing on Money, Visibility + Marketing, and Sales. When using her methods, her clients experience exponential results. She grew her online coaching business to mulit-6-figures while having children (3 active kids under 6 + just welcomed baby #4) with her husband and prioritizing family life. They currently live in Arizona and they travel as often as they can. Website: https://moneybreathwork.com/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bigmoneymonths Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alessandra.caprice.braun/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/alessandracaprice 1:47 Transformational Breathwork 3:04 "I felt like mindset work really just scratched the surface." -Alessandra Caprice 4:15 "Whatever is encoded in us is going to fight surface level change." -Alessandra Caprice 7:00 "Just because you are in pain does not mean that it is bad." -Brian Keith 8:09 "Why are entrepreneurs so bad at being embodied?" -Brian Keith 10:59 "I new I was meant for something bigger." -Alessandra Caprice 12:45 Locus of control 16:46 Money Breathwork for the Whole Family
From "Red Beard Radio with Brian Keith"
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