#154 Starseeds and Galactic Healing with Kate Connoly
Our guest in episode #154 is Kate Connolly , an Intuitive Healer and Intuition teacher. She uses her knowledge of people’s galactic selves and starseed knowledge to help transform people’s lives in their healing journeys. Today we will be talking about her experiences with galactic healing and how important it is in understanding who you really are: What we observed: Why she was told to “let go” of her galactic family during a healing sessionMultiple past life memories in different star systemsShe does not remember many past lives on Earth after the Isis period in EgyptWhy star seeds that haven"t been on earth for long have imprinting codes Isis was an ascended master who looked after the divine feminine on the planetA memory of earth moving into the masculineEarth is now shifting back into a divine feminine -masculine balanceMemories of Atlantis and Ancient Egypt; teleportation was fairly commonEarth became seeded by starseeds mixing with primitive humansThe parallel life is different aspects of self that are playing out that particular thing at this particular timeMemories of soul contractsSoul contracts can be changedEvery star seed that"s conscious on the planet raises the vibration of the planet For more info: www.kateconnoly.com.au @kateconnolyintuitive Support the show Music by Black Box Traders
From "The Closer To Venus Podcast"
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