Graduating from Your Next Level University with Kevin Palmieri
How do you take your life to the next level? Kimberly goes to "school" with Kevin Palmieri, founder of Next Level University Podcast about personal development strategies, why values are essential to grow, and how to build your next-level universe. @crownyourselfnow Kevin and his co-host, Alan (you’ll hear from him next week) are coming into my Communication Queens program to teach ALL about how to get booked on a Top 100 Podcast. You can still grab a seat here: https://www.crownyourselfmembers.com/masterclass-how-to-get-booked-on-a-top-100-podcast In this episode, you will learn… What does it mean to live at the next level? (4:30) How have you put yourself through your own next level university? (6:00) Why do you need to shift your identity first to get to the next level? (15:00) Why do you need to know your grind? (21:00) How do you stay consistent while still maintaining a level of balance? (23:00) What is the difference between taking responsibility and putting yourself at fault? (26:00) What do you listen for during coaching? (31:00) How do you navigate down moments? (35:00) Why is perspective necessary for commitment? (38:00) Why do you need to think more about what's possible when you believe more? (44:00) What is the next phase of growth for you? (47:00) What makes your partnerships work? (49:30) Learn more about Kevin: **WEBSITE** www.nextleveluniverse.com **SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS** YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBo--QvPHbGOrO13C0Xyybg APPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/next-level-university/id1221110027 Thank you so much for tuning in! Please leave a review on iTunes here so we can keep the magic coming your way. Looking to improve your health + train your breath with Pilates? Become a Mindful Monarch and get monthly Pilates lessons and a coach + community to support your mind-body and body-mind connection: https://crownyourself.com/mindful-monarchs-membership And, one of the best ways to reprogram your subconscious mind is through hypnosis. Download my FREE 5-minute “You Are Worthy” hypnosis. GET YOUR FREE GIFT! For a 90-Minute 1:1 Consult https://crownyourself.com/private-coaching Rule Your Body Book https://crownyourself.securechkout.com/rule-your-body-book For more biz inspo + mindset tools, follow us on Instagram: @crownyourself.now Follow my own mompreneur journey to #CrownYourself on Instagram: @kimberly.spencer Join the Facebook Group: "Crown Yourself Coaching" For more mindset, motivation, actionable strategies, and business-building tips, check out: crownyourself.com
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