149 - Unlocking the Art of Rainmaking with Elise Holtzman

06 Dec 2023 • 33 min • EN
33 min
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Do you ever wonder how lawyers seem to bring in an endless stream of clients? This week"s guest, Elise Holtzman from The Lawyer"s Edge, shares the secrets behind the art of rainmaking. We dive into Elise"s personal journey, from practicing law to becoming a coach and trainer, and how she uses her knowledge to help lawyers transform into successful rainmakers. This concept, more than just attracting new clients, involves keeping existing ones happy, and importantly, having the right team to do the work. We also discuss the critical role of delegation within law firms. Investing in junior associates and trusting them with tasks not only helps firms grow but also frees up time for higher-level work. After all, we all have the same 24 hours in a day - it"s how we choose to use them that counts. Connect with Elise on LinkedIn and learn more at www.thelawyersedge.com

From "Center Stage: Spotlighting Business Challenges"

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