148 Unlocking Superpowers with Yoga Nidra w/Tracee Stanley
In this episode @SriMati connects with her great friend Tracee Stanley to share wisdom from Tracee's new book Radiant Rest. They discuss the live giving energy of Yoga Nidra and explore spirituality as the ultimate activism. What does it mean to be awake? Yoga Nidra is known as the Yoga of Sleep. It is a lucid practice that requires no previous experience and demands no asanas. It is simple, deep, and easy to assimilate into a busy life. This beautiful, guided practice informs all aspects of life and helps us to dismantle constructs and decolonize the mind. It is the practice that we all deserve. It is a practice of self-healing. To connect with Tracee and her work head here... https://traceeyoga.com/ For Tracee's book it's here https://www.radiantrest.com/ To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions… https://www.juliepiatt.com/ This is the place to join our Water Tiger community…https://www.juliepiatt.com/water-tiger For delicious, artisanal not-cheese for all the family, head to @SriMu… https://srimu.com/ (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so your altar box can last for weeks!) And finally, we give thanks and love to the musician Dani Fanning @dani.fanning Her track Emanate is the music for this episode... https://danifanning.bandcamp.com/album/song-of-our-people
From "For The Life Of Me"
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