117 | Close 80% of your sales calls using this methodology by Aleasha Bahr
Don"t get distracted by the prospect"s ambiguity. Keep listening and asking questions. Asking the right questions is a matter of self-awareness. You can gain self-awareness by reflecting and seeking clarity. But the only way to achieve clarity is action, action, action. Action and Self-awareness are part of the three components of entrepreneurship and sales. Filtering the best future clients out of your prospects has a lot to do with the expectations you set. And it"s not just about setting them too high or too low. The important thing is to remain realistic. Just because a prospect can pay you a lot right away doesn"t mean that they will be loyal to you in the long term. You need relationships, not just transactions. Listen, I"ve made Relationship building my ethos, but I"m just as guilty of picking the unfit clients instead of the right ones. If you don"t want to repeat my mistakes, tune in for my interview with Aleasha Bahr, as she will be revealing some of her best strategies on client filtering and relationship building in the sales and business world! Hi, It"s Isar the host of the Business Growth Accelerator Podcast I am passionate about growing businesses and helping CEOs, business leaders, and entrepreneurs become more successful. I am also passionate about relationship building, community creation for businesses, and value creation through content. I would love it if you connect with me on LinkedIn. Drop me a DM, and LMK you listened to the podcast, what you think and what topics you would like me to cover 🙏
From "Business Growth Accelerator"
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