1110. #TFCP - Creating A Daily System For Growth!
Today’s Conversation with our returning guest, Nick Klingensmith, gives us a motivational episode about achieving personal and professional goals in freight! Nick highlights the significance of breaking down larger ambitions into manageable daily tasks, building supportive systems and habits, focusing on one key task at a time, fostering long-term success, and enhancing overall well-being and productivity! About Nick Klingensmith After being thrown out of a Las Vegas hotel in a drunken haze, jeopardizing his career and relations, Nick had to make a change. A 4-time cancer survivor, type-I diabetic, recovering alcoholic with herniated discs, nerve damage and sleep apnea, he defies it all when he finds Obstacle Course Racing. Refusing to accept his limitations, he’s completed over 100 Spartan Races, 6 Major Marathons, several Ultras, and scores of other obstacle and endurance events. As someone who has walked the path of a sales professional, Nick is an expert in propelling other achievement-driven professionals and leaders to overcome fear and rejection and push past self-limiting doubts, by inspiring them to take purposeful action towards their goals. Nick is a raw and passionate storyteller who holds nothing back when revealing who he used to be and the person he is now. A true testament to the power of resilience, with an unwavering belief in his purpose to overcome obstacles and inspire others to do the same, Nick delivers powerful and transformative speeches, drawing from personal experiences to illustrate the extraordinary potential of pushing through adversity. Nick’s books on Amazon: Selling, Inspired!: A Mental Endurance Guide For Enduring Sales Performance THROUGH THE FIRE : The story of the 4-time cancer survivor, type-1 diabetic, and recovering alcoholic who became an obstacle course racer and defied it all. Connect with Nick Website: https://www.stridemotivation.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nklingensmith/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100069207242260 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOiV2sNB3g4meufvBg3a9sA TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stridemotivation?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stridemotivation/ 📊📉 Don’t miss out on the latest market trends by subscribing to your TOP Transportation Morning Show! 🌎 🎬🎯 #TheFreightCoach Morning Show is LIVE every weekday at 10:30 AM CST to break down transportation industry headlines! Mark your calendars! 🤝 Shoutout to my sponsors!👇 Denim | https://info.denim.com/chrisjolly SPI Logistics | https://spi3pl.com/ Greenscreens | https://www.greenscreens.ai/thefreightcoach Revenova | https://revenova.com/ 🚚 Ditch your carrier packet, drive more carrier sales, and get better load coverage with seamless digital onboarding, TMS integration, and smart load coverage by visiting https://brokercarrier.com/. To donate and contribute to the Have a Heart’s purpose, visit https://www.haveaheartinc.org/donate. 🚀🔥 To sign up for my Newsletter, go to http://eepurl.com/iNoHco, get in touch with me through the social media channels below, and subscribe to my YouTube Channel!👇 ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjrL70IEnCfDkNaiYMar3jw 📷 https://www.instagram.com/thefreightcoach/ 🕊️ https://twitter.com/thefr8coach 💼 https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-jolly-a183aa6a/
From "The Freight Coach Podcast"
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