WeedWeek Council member Tammy Pettigrew is best known as Instagram educator @thecannabiscutie — one of the fresh voices out of Orange County weed. Alex and Donnell chat with Pettigrew about weed"s place post-quarantine, and how microdosing edibles has been a recent key to pleasant parenting.An educator and cannabis advocate, Tammy Pettigrew also has a MBA.Pettigrew, who first appeared on Episode 49 of this podcast, has taken her home classroom to her garden, to further de-stigmatize the cannabis for her children.She said weed should not be viewed as a remedy to the recent rise in domestic violence issues. Tammy Pettigrew on Instagram Key cannabis legislation likely shelved for 2020 Alex Halperin’s Cannabis Dictionary Sign up for free WeedWeek newsletters, to get weekly info on North America’s most interesting industry delivered to your inbox. Email us your comments, questions or suggestions at hello@weekweek.net Follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
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