100 Acts of Love - How Are They To Be Used: with Author Kim Hamer
It's a great day here @CompleteWellnesswithCindy, the Busy Woman's Cheerleader! Today we chat with Kim Hamer as she shares her experiences with what NOT to do - or say during someone's tragic loss. She is the author of 100 Acts of Love: A Girlfriend's Guide to Loving Your Friend through Cancer or Loss, an easy-to-read book filled with 100 practical, quick, and effective ways to support an employee, friend, or coworker. She's an HR consultant and sought-after public speaker who lives in Los Angeles. Listen, learn and THRIVE360! To connect with Alison visit her online at: www.100actsoflove.com _______________________________________________ ***Early Bird Registeration in NOW Open for our 2023 Well Woman's Retreat! There's intentionally limited spots available: It's time to let go of persons, places and things that no longer serve you and arise for your spiritual awakening! Details can be found on my website and www.wellwomansretreat.com __________________________________________________ Start manifesting you desires now - WRITE IT OUT! Grab your copy of my new journal set: Woman Unveiled Now on Amazon: 60 Days Grateful Mind Guided Journal Budget Planner Journal Notebook The visual for podcast segment can be viewed on my Youtube Channel @CompleteWellnesswithCindy _________________________________________________________ Are you an apiring entrepreneur that has promised yourself to turn your side hustle into a bonafide business in 2023?? Don't wait any longer! Join my THRIVE 360 Virtual Coaching Group! Aspiring Entrepreneurs just like you are getting the inside scoop on how to turn their side-hustles to bonified businesses that allow them to ditch their day job and THRIVE360!! Sign up now at: http://www.TheCindyRand.com _______________________________________________________ How is this broadcast helping you?? Email me, and tell me what you like about the show, I'd love to hear from you! Each week someone will be gifted a FREE copy of my new "Woman Unveiled Gratitude Journal or Notebook! Will it be you? We'll see, email me with GOODVIBES in the subject to thrive@TheCindyRand.com _______________________________________________________________ ***SUBSCRIBE to this channel to gain more insight and information on how to THRIVE 360 in mind, body, spirit and finances! Follow me: @busywomanscheerleader Tah-Tah~Until next time! XOXOX ___________________________________________...
From "Complete Wellness with Cindy-The Busy Woman's Cheerleader"
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