046: How to rebound when things don't work out

19 Aug 2021 • 33 min • EN
33 min
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Let me ask you an important question… When you woke up this morning, did you ask yourself, is this the day I am going to fail? Of course not!!! We never actively seek to fail. Most of the time we are so afraid of failure that we stay safe in our bubbles, perhaps in jobs that we hate, doing things we don’t enjoy, and never taking a chance to do the things we love. Sometimes things may not work out the way we intended. The course launch failed, the book we wanted to write didn’t get published, our dream job just turned us down. But here’s the thing: We are resilient!. That’s what our next episode is all about: How to Rebound When Things Don’t Work Out, with Kristen Burke, a goal achievement coach. Tune in and listen as Kristin and I discuss: How to rebound from goals that didn’t work out the way we thought they would. How to be resilient despite the outcome. How to achieve your greatest potential. How to embrace the lessons learned from your journey. And so much more...Let me ask you an important question… When you woke up this morning, did you ask yourself, is this the day I am going to fail? Of course not!!! We never actively seek to fail. Most of the time we are so afraid of failure that we stay safe in our bubbles, perhaps in jobs that we hate, doing things we don’t enjoy, and never taking a chance to do the things we love. Sometimes things may not work out the way we intended. The course launch failed, the book we wanted to write didn’t get published, our dream job just turned us down. But here’s the thing: We are resilient!. That’s what our next episode is all about: How to Rebound When Things Don’t Work Out, with Kristen Burke, a goal achievement coach. Tune in and listen as Kristin and I discuss: How to rebound from goals that didn’t work out the way we thought they would. How to be resilient despite the outcome. How to achieve your greatest potential. How to embrace the lessons learned from your journey. And so much more...

From "Stop Living with Monsters"

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