0109 with retired Navy SEAL combat veteran, Author, CEO - Marty Strong - Adapt, Move, Be Different.

25 Dec 2024 • 84 min • EN
84 min
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I sit down with Marty Strong, former Navy SEAL, and we explore his unique approach to life and work, characterized by his openness to opportunity and his ability to adapt and thrive in unexpected situations. Marty shares lots of great stories, perspectives, and some key highlights from his latest book. We talked about embracing opportunities, cultivating an open mind, taking risks, adapting to change, practicing discipline, finding pull motivation, and a whole lot more. For more on Marty, head here - https://martystrongbenimble.com/ BIO: "His passion is influencing change. Change in people, change in organizations. Most of his themes are based on the power of creative thinking and acknowledging the number one rule in the universe - everything is changing! Retired Navy SEAL officer, former UBS portfolio manager, and currently CEO of a middle market healthcare company. Currently serves on the board of BEST Robotics, Inc., Metal Raptor, LLC, and is the president of BEST MindLab. Marty has a BBA, an MBA, and is a certified Master Blackbelt in Lean Six Sigma. He is the author of nine published novels and three published business books. Marty's articles on leadership and creativity have been published on CNBC online, Fast Company, CEO World magazine, and Chief Executive Magazine." Video versions on Spotify and Youtube, head to Instagram.com@jacobfromtheinternet for the latest video clips and jyl news. see ya next episode!

From "The Junkyard Love Podcast"

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