0104 with Author and Spiritual Coach Julie Hoyle - 'Awakening From The Lucid Dream'
In 1989, Julie had a radical awakening. Her conscious experience changed indefinitely via shaktipat (energetic exchange of spiritual knowledge) in a lucid dream experience. She was gracious enough to join me on the podcast to share her fascinating experiences, heartfelt wisdom, and warm expertise. She's a spiritual coach, author, teacher, and she also supports people going through kundalini awakenings. She has a podcast and youtube show called “Talking True” - and she works with those trying to manage and initiate change or direction in life. Julie shares a wonderful series of stories that lay out her spiritual experiences as a seeker. We also talk about meditation, Julies book-writing process, synchronicity, the self, manifestation, dreamworlds, awakening, psychic phenomena, avatar encounters, profound teachings, awakening, kundalini, shaktipat, yogis, changes after awakening experiences, spiritual maturity, the future of spiritual teachings, Julies Podcast 'Talking True', and much more. “I was always looking for someone who I knew could speak to the truth of who I was beyond the story.” “We walked in the back of the hall, and as soon as I entered into this space - I saw a Yogi, sitting cross-legged on a low wooden tucket at the front of the hall he had his eyes closed, he was wearing a white loincloth, he had a massive belly. And I recognized him immediately as being the one I had been searching for my entire life.” If you dig the episode, hit like and subscribe - and checkout julies work here - Julies books on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Julie-Hoyle/author/B08LQPSVZ7?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true 'Enlightenment Myth Busting - Seeing Through The Lies That Bind' 'An Awakened Life - A Journey Of Transformation' 'Meeting the Shadow Finding Your Self - A Handbook On How To Transform The Dark Side Of Your Personality' 'Living An Awakened Life' 'The Shadow Work Diaries - How The Darkness You Fear Holds The Treasure You Seek' 'Wake Up And Say Yes! - A Practical Guide To Lucid Living & Lucid Dreaming' & 'The Sacred Wisdom Journal Series' (guided writing journals) Connect with Julie here: 🪷 TALKING TRUE: https://www.youtube.com/@TalkingTruewithJulieHoyle 🐍UNDERSTANDING KUNDALINI SESSIONS: https://juliehoyle.org/private-sessions 📚BOOKS TO SUPPORT YOUR AWAKENING & SELF-RECOGNITION: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Julie-H... Julie https://linktr.ee/juliehoyleofficial see ya next episode!
From "The Junkyard Love Podcast"
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