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David Espindola
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David Espindola

4 Interviews

David Espindola's Interviews

Mike interviews  David Espindola. Welcome to a thought-provoking journey into the future of artificial intelligence with "Soulful: You in the Future of Artificial Intelligence" by David Espindola. In this captivating book, Espindola delves deep into the intersection of humanity and technology, challenging conventional

41 min
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Aidan McCullen & David Espindola 11 Mar 2022 • EN

The Exponential Era with David Espindola

Today’s book introduces the Exponential Era, the extraordinary times we are living where the convergence of technology platforms that grow at exponential rates is creating unprecedented opportunities for companies that know how to benefit from it, and disastrous results for those that don't. In the book we learn about:

88 min
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Lance Peppler & David Espindola 01 Feb 2021 • EN

David Espindola - Co-author of "The Exponential Era"

Episode 113 of the Business Bookshelf - David Espindola - Co-author of "The Exponential Era". Today our guest is David Espindola. David is the co-founder of Intercepting Horizons.  Intercepting Horizons provides strategic advisory services for the Exponential Era.  They prepare leadership teams to intercept new trends

31 min
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 In this episode, we feature David Espindola, a founding partner at Intercepting Horizons. David discusses how his company is teaching companies how to position themselves to mitigate risks and leverage opportunities resulting from exponential changes. He shares his insights on lateral thinking, adjusting as a business

22 min
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Podcasts with David Espindola


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