Craig Wright

Craig Wright, PhD
4 Interviews

Craig Wright's Interviews

Your true path can’t be plugged into a GPS. The map for it can only come from within you. But maybe there are tools that can reveal it to you. This discussion delves into how numbers can reveal one's life path and true self, offering insights that empower individuals to achieve a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Dr

45 min
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Karl Gruber & Craig Wright 02 Apr 2023 • EN

World Awakenings #111 with Dr. Craig Wright

In this episode #111 we meet & talk with Rev. Dr. Craig Wright, who holds degrees in Psychology & Metaphysics and has over 40 years’ experience teaching and consulting. After the tragic loss of his best friend shook up his personal world, it forced him to look beyond his every day life, and find his deeper purpose in t

52 min
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Terry McMullen & Craig Wright 28 Mar 2022 • EN

"Understanding myself as the living word" - Craig Wright

There was a part of me that was really excited to share this episode because it highlighted a topic many people aren't familiar with (Numerology) and Craig and I had a really authentic, at times emotional, conversation about life. There was also another part of me that was embarrassed to share it. Being open minded, tr

83 min
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Sara Troy & Craig Wright 15 Feb 2022 • EN

QS22-07 Dr. Craig E. Wright. Numerology & Metaphysics.

Numerology and Metaphysics play a huge part in your life.  Craig Wright is a native of Baltimore, Maryland where he studied religion and philosophy in his youth as a member of the Baltimore Ethical Society. He holds degrees in Psychology and Metaphysics. He is an Ordained Metaphysical Minister and a Certified Metaphysi

70 min
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Podcasts with Craig Wright


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