Cathy Rashidian

Cathy Rashidian

5 Interviews

Cathy Rashidian's Interviews

Today, we’re talking to Cathy Rashidian of Ready Set Choose Coaching.  Cathy is an executive and ADHD coach to emerging leaders, and the host of the Proudly ADHD podcast. In this episode, we discuss the importance of moving beyond structure, routine, and productivity when it comes to managing ADHD, why we should take m

38 min
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Cathy Rashidian & Brendan Mahan 22 Apr 2022 • EN

ADHD and Burnout: Navigating the Connection | Guest - Brendan Mahan

ADHD and Burnout!!! I can not get enough of this topic, so I decided to have a candid conversation about it with my special guest Brendan Mahan, host of ADHD Essentials Podcast and ADHD Coach.   “Is it the Fish or the Water? Is the fish sick because the fish is sick? or is the fish sick, Because it's swimming in a toxi

37 min
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Cathy Rashidian & Diann Wingert 12 Dec 2020 • EN

Exploring ADHD Coaching vs. Therapy | Guest Diann Wingert

Adult ADHD diagnosis may feel like a life sentence to some of us but what if we consider it an explanation of our very unique brain neurology. For some, this new piece of information can be a hard pill to swallow and may cause intense emotions, such as grief or the opposite, a sense of relief.   ADHD Coaching and Thera

41 min
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In this episode, I was so inspired by Diann's story on radical self-acceptance. I thoroughly enjoyed her real talk style, wisdom, and her story to Radical Self Acceptance. One of the common themes that I come across working with professionals and entrepreneurs are around self-acceptance. Even though most of them have b

26 min
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In this episode, Caroline Maguire, Author of “Why will no one play with me”? talks to us about how to read the room, how to really understand what's going on in social settings. Those of us with ADHD brain, that fast brain that can think of bazillion thoughts in seconds can get in trouble in social settings and feel aw

42 min
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Podcasts with Cathy Rashidian


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