Science: Life Sciences

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Top episodes in Science: Life Sciences

Daisy Wolf + Vijay Pande & Mark Hyman + Jonathan Swerdlin 09 Jul 2024 • EN

Network Medicine with Jonathan Swerdlin and Mark Hyman

Jonathan Swerdlin, cofounder and CEO, and Mark Hyman, MD, cofounder and Chief Medical Officer of Function Health join Vijay Pande, general partner, and Daisy Wolf, investment partner of a16z Bio + Health. Together, they discuss their personal health journeys that led to founding Function, how they’re planning to scale

33 min
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In this episode I have a paradigm shift that will alter your drive. We are all raised in the mono-mind belief system, the idea that we have one mind, and from this one mind we have an infinite amount of differing thoughts and emotions and impulses and urges. That we often feel are competing against each other. We think

111 min
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Michael Millward & Cathy Nesbitt 19 Jun 2024 • EN

Understanding Laughter Yoga

Cathy Nesbitt is a Worm Advocate, Sprout Grower, and Laughter Yoga Teacher.  In the 2002 Cathy decided that setting up a worm composting business would be a good way to contribute to protecting the environment.  After ten years of hearing people make derisory comments, she almost made the decision to give up. But then

25 min
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In this episode we’re delivering steps for you to stand out and be remarkable. So you don’t get lost in the shuffle of noise out there. To get much of anywhere today, we must be remarkable. But what does that mean? My guest defines it not as being famous or rich, having tons of followers or being a genius, but as makin

73 min
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Kira Dineen & Arthur Caplan 24 May 2024 • EN

#290 Genetic Ethics with Dr. Arthur Caplan

Renowned bioethicist and a pivotal figure in the field of medical ethics, Dr. Arthur Caplan talks CRIPSR, AI and IVF bioethics.

1 min
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Rory Vaden 19 Jun 2024 • EN

The Number Two Way To Become A Famous Resource

In this episode we look at one of the key ways to become a famous resource. We started with a masterclass in becoming known, with brand guru Rory Vaden. Rory is known for the topic of obscurity, and helping mission driven messengers not remain a best kept secret. In the last episode I drilled further into Rory’s counse

15 min
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