Jesse Cole

Jesse Cole

17 Interviews

Jesse Cole's Interviews

The Savannah Bananas is an unconventional, one-of-a-kind baseball team that came straight from the mind of Jesse Cole. Despite the odds being stacked against him, Jesse built an empire that has sold out every single game since their first season and has a ticket waiting list in the thousands. This is not your average t

47 min
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Josh Kopel & Jesse Cole 12 Sep 2023 • EN

Jesse Cole on becoming a category of one

Jesse Cole is not an restaurateur, but, like so many of us, he is an entertainer at heart. I’ve brought him on the show to discuss his baseball team, the Savannah Bananas, and how they’ve redefined what it means to attend a professional baseball game. This is a masterclass on exceeding customer expectations, building a

29 min
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Jesse Cole is the founder of Fans First Entertainment, which owns and operates the Savannah Bananas and the Party Animals. The Bananas have sold out every game since their first season and have a waitlist for tickets in the thousands. They have entertained millions of fans in Savannah and at ballparks all over the coun

32 min
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Shep Hyken & Jesse Cole 16 May 2023 • EN

Savannah Bananas Says Putting Customers First is a Game Changer

How The Savannah Bananas is Changing Baseball through Fan Focus, Creativity, and CX Shep Hyken interviews Jesse Cole, founder of Fans First Entertainment and owner of the Savannah Bananas. He talks about how he redefined baseball and customer and employee experience by creating a culture that puts them first. Top Takea

29 min
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Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of Learning Leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Jesse Cole is t

53 min
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Minter Dialogue with Jesse Cole Jesse Cole is the owner of Savannah Bananas, a minor league baseball team based in Savannah, Georgia. Through his leadership, with his wife, Jesse has radically transformed how baseball is played. He's the author of two books, the last of which came out this year, "Fans First: Change the

55 min
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Podcasts with Jesse Cole


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