The FitMind Podcast: Mental Fitness, Neuroscience & Psychology

Updated: 02 Jul 2024 • 89 episodes

Expert insights on the science of mental fitness. Topics include psychology, neuroscience, mental health, mindfulness meditation, productivity, brain technologies, Stoicism, happiness hacking, and more. Liam McClintock, the Founder of FitMind, talks with leaders in their fields, from neuroscientists and psychologists to Buddhist monks and professional athletes. At FitMind, we believe that the next great human frontier is the mind. FitMind combines ancient techniques with western psychology to provide mental fitness training that is taught at Fortune 500 companies, addiction centers, schools, government organizations, and on the FitMind meditation app. Liam McClintock received a B.A. from Yale and worked in finance before traveling to Asia to study meditation full-time. He is currently completing an MS in Applied Neuroscience at King’s College London. Liam is an RYS Certified Yoga & Meditation Instructor and has trained in various meditation styles. He has been featured in Time, Vice, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, NBC, and Men’s Health.

Show episodes

How does the mind shape our reality? What happens when the conceptual mind turns off? The answers might be found in the depths of meditation. Doug Kraft has delved into the complexities of the mind from various perspectives: as a psychotherapist, writer, minister, meditation teacher, and through the lenses of bio-energ

59 min
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How does the brain work at its deepest levels? And to what extent can we radically upgrade it, creating neuroplastic changes? Ruben Laukkonen, PhD is a cognitive neuroscientist, contemplative, speaker, and poet. His eclectic background includes competing semi-professionally in Muay Thai Kickboxing, founding two busines

91 min
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Delson Armstrong is a meditation teacher and author of A Mind Without Craving. He trained for extended periods in the Himalayas and mastered several systems of yoga, including the ten levels of samadhi (meditative states of absorption). Delson has recently collaborated with leading neuroscience research labs interested

55 min
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Dr. Anna Abraham is a psychologist and neuroscientist who investigates creativity and how we can optimize this key trait. She’s also a leading scholar on the study of human imagination. On this episode, we discuss the key ingredients of a creative mind, how to become more creative, and how the brain can tell the differ

62 min
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Nick Littlehales has been an elite sport recovery coach for nearly a quarter-century and is the bestselling author of Sleep: The Myth of 8 Hours, the Power of Naps... and the New Plan to Recharge Your Body and Mind. On this episode, we uncover the common myths and misunderstandings about sleep. We also discuss the circ

50 min
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Liam McClintock & Donald Hoffman 19 Apr 2022 • EN

#89: Consciousness, Perception & Reality - Donald Hoffman, PhD

Donald Hoffman, PhD is a cognitive scientist and author of The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes. He is currently a professor at UC Irvine, where he studies consciousness, visual perception and evolutionary psychology. On this episode, we “take the red pill” and hear Dr. Hoffman’s theory o

50 min
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