Peter Boghossian

Peter Boghossian

1 Follower
26 Interviews

Peter Boghossian's Interviews

Sponsor special: Up to $2,500 of FREE silver AND a FREE safe on qualifying orders - Call 855-862-3377 or text “AMERICAN” to 6-5-5-3-2 “There are people—a non-trivial number of people—who teach in the academy, many of whom have tenure, who have obtained their credentials fraudulently. They have lied, they have cheated o

50 min
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Dave Rubin & Peter Boghossian 17 Nov 2023 • EN

Ex-Professor Exposes Why Universities Can't Be Saved | Peter Boghossian

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Peter Boghossian about the state of academia; his concerns about the corruption of institutions, particularly in higher education; the spread of harmful ideologies; why the idea of a national divorce is a bad idea; why people should stop donating to their alma maters; why atten

27 min
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In this thought-provoking episode, Stella and Sasha engage in a powerful conversation with the brilliant Peter Boghossian, known for his controversial public resignation from Portland State University and his critical stance on academia. Dr. Peter Boghossian is a Founding Faculty member at the University of Austin and

69 min
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Brian Keating & Peter Boghossian 13 Sep 2023 • EN

Is Science in a Legitimacy Crisis? | Peter Boghossian

Today, I sat down with someone who I respect greatly – Peter Boghossian. Peter is a former Portland State University professor, renowned philosopher, and best-selling author. His primary research areas are critical thinking and moral reasoning.  He actually resigned from his position at Portland State University becaus

82 min
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Stephen Sackur & Peter Boghossian 04 Jul 2023 • EN

Peter Boghossian: Has academia been corrupted by ‘woke’ ideology?

Stephen Sackur speaks to controversial philosopher Peter Boghossian, who spoofed a host of US academic journals to expose what he claims is the corruption of academia by politically fashionable ‘woke’ ideology. Is he stoking the fires of a dangerous culture war?

23 min
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“It’s a tremendous danger when we have people who run institutions and who have jobs for life in the academies, they’re completely convinced they found the truth, they publish in their own journals, they teach those ‘truths’ to their students, and then they’ve indoctrinated generations of students.” Peter Boghossian is

59 min
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Podcasts with Peter Boghossian


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