Peak Prosperity

Updated: 23 Jul 2024 • 296 episodes

Peak Prosperity provides answers to those who question the mainstream narrative on the critical issues of our day by providing context, clarity, and understanding around seemingly complex systems. Topics include economy, energy, environment, and geopolitics.

Show episodes

Cheatle stonewalls and lies, while the grey-suited man raises questions. Meanwhile things look very bad for whoever was in the two story building and really tough and troubling questions emerge. The Citizens’ Investigation plows on!

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More evidence that a second shooter (or more) were involved has emerged. Whoever was in that other building looking down at Crooks right before the shooting began has a lot of explaining to do. At a minimum…

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Things are just getting weirder and weirder on the financial and economic landscape. Can they hold it all together until the elections? If so, how much longer after that?

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Unless he had some help, it’s virtually impossible that Crooks managed to skulk about on a roof, with a rifle for so long without being stopped or challenged. And, how did the Secret Service miss placing one of their two sniper teams on the very best possible spot that would have stopped anyone from being where Crooks

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There’s zero doubt. Two separate weapons were fired toward Trump and the Crowd. One fired 3 rounds, the other(s?) 6 or 7 depending on how many sniper rounds were fired at Crooks. This indicates a conspiracy to assassinate Trump.

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There’s no path back to monetary sanity. That means more printing and more undeserved rewards to Wall Street insiders while a front of economic despair marches steadily northward through the social ranks.

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