Neil Turok

Neil Turok

2 Interviews

Neil Turok's Interviews

Curt Jaimungal & Neil Turok 23 Apr 2024 • EN

The (Simple) Theory That Explains Everything | Neil Turok

Neil Turok joins Curt Jaimungal and Theories of Everything to discuss his new hypothesis regarding the origins of the universe, building on Stephen Hawking's geometrical model to propose a theoretical approach that avoids the singularity at the Big Bang by suggesting a minimal, mirror universe scenario without requirin

126 min
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Brian Keating & Neil Turok 02 Oct 2022 • EN

Neil Turok: Most Theorists are WRONG!

Renowned physicist Neil Turok, Holder of the Higgs Chair of Theoretical Physics at the University of Edinburgh, joins me to discuss the state of science and the universe. Neil Turok has been director emeritus of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics since 2019. He specializes in mathematical physics and early

142 min
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Podcasts with Neil Turok


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