Nathaniel Newman

Nathaniel Newman

2 Interviews

Nathaniel Newman's Interviews

Laura Owens + Jan Black & Magda Newman + Nathaniel Newman 28 Apr 2022 • EN

Magda & Nathaniel Newman: to live with gratitude through any obstacles

We’re thrilled to welcome our guests on this episode, Magda Newman, who, along with her son, Nathaniel, have written the book, Normal:  A Mother and her Beautiful Son. Nathaniel was born with severe Treacher Collins Syndrome which is a congenital disorder that causes craniofacial deformities.  He had 67 surgeries in hi

30 min
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Laura Owens + Jan Black & Magda Newman + Nathaniel Newman 19 Feb 2020 • EN

Magda & Nathaniel Newman: to live with gratitude through any obstacles

We’re thrilled to welcome our guests on this episode, Magda Newman, who, along with her son, Nathaniel, have written the book, Normal:  A Mother and her Beautiful Son. Nathaniel was born with severe Treacher Collins Syndrome which is a congenital disorder that causes craniofacial deformities.  He had 67 surgeries in hi

28 min
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Podcast with Nathaniel Newman


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