Macha Gruber

Macha Gruber
2 Interviews

Macha Gruber's Interviews

Jodi Krangle & Macha Gruber 25 Nov 2020 • EN

Interview with Audio Producer & Voice Talent, Macha Gruber - Part 2

I continue my conversation with Macha Gruber. In this second half of the interview, we discuss everything from advertising to diversity in voice acting to COVID to the Keto diet. This part of our interview is even better than the first part!  Tune in to hear Macha and I discuss:The importance of imaging for radio and h

33 min
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Jodi Krangle & Macha Gruber 18 Nov 2020 • EN

Interview with Audio Producer & Voice Talent, Macha Gruber - Part 1

I'm so excited to chat with Macha Grueber. She's done some amazing things in the audio world and I have to tell you - I've been looking forward to hearing her perspective on the current status of the audio branding world. Macha is a professional voice actor and has spent the better part of 15 years in the audio industr

40 min
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Podcast with Macha Gruber


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