Audio Branding

Updated: 24 Jul 2024 • 246 episodes

Keeping a consistent sound in how you present your company really is the "hidden gem" of marketing. But audio or sonic branding influences us in many different ways and in many different places within our lives. Education is key! I'll be exploring that here, both with my own observations and by interviewing knowledgeable professionals in the field of advertising, marketing, music and science.

Show episodes

“Social media, if you want to be on all of the places, it’s a best practice to have your voice be represented in those places. But, also, the content is representative for that place. People go to Instagram with an expectation, they go to YouTube with an expectation, they open up your audio podcast with an expectation

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“People either have a vision of a Utopian wonderland out there, that we’re going to create all this amazing stuff with AI, or, on the flip side, everybody thinks it’s going to be a dystopian wasteland when we start using AI, and everybody’s going to be out of work, and the robots are going to take over... And it’s very

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“Specifically as it relates to voiceover, that was, the whole industry has shifted hugely, as you know, and it has democratized the industry a huge amount, which is, you know, I appreciate. You know, some people made a lot of claims about their studio when COVID first happened, and it wasn’t true. And so they would go

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“There was one we did a few years ago. This was while COVID was going on and it was with Nicolas Cage. And he was such a surprising guy. I mean, we all know, kind of… He’s an unusual fella. His films run the gamut really, and stylistically and genre. But he showed up early to get the tech right. He was super chatty. I

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“People are actually tuning in from their phones or, like, listening on Spotify or whatever while they’re shopping. And they actually measured how conscious people were of what they were spending. So yeah, it’s just really fascinating. It influences us in so many ways that I don’t even think we’re conscious of.” “Oh, a

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“An intro video needs to let people know, ‘Hey, this is who the show’s for, and this is what you’re about to see, what you’re about to witness.’ And that audio is a huge component of it. It has to really, just, it has to just feel right. There’s really not a way to explain it, even though that’s kind of my job here on

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