Lydia Pyne

Lydia Pyne, PhD
3 Interviews

Lydia Pyne's Interviews

For this episode, I met historian and writer Dr. Lydia Pyne. She is author of Postcards: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Social Network (Reaktion, 2021).. Postcards is a global exploration of postcards as artifacts at the intersection of history, science, technology, art, and culture. Postcards are usually assoc

42 min
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Cara Santa Maria & Lydia Pyne 12 Nov 2019 • EN

Genuine Fakes w/ Lydia Pyne

In this episode of Talk Nerdy, Cara is joined by writer and historian Dr. Lydia Pyne to talk about her new book, “Genuine Fakes: How Phony Things Teach Us About Real Stuff.” Lydia describes the fuzzy line between what’s real and what’s fake, sharing stories about nature documentaries, art forgeries, fossil hoaxes, lab-

66 min
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Cara Santa Maria & Lydia Pyne 31 Oct 2016 • EN

Famous Fossils w/ Lydia Pyne

Just in time for Halloween, Cara is joined by Dr. Lydia Pyne, the author of "Seven Skeletons: The Evolution of the World's Most Famous Human Fossils." A science historian with training in paleoanthropology, Lydia has special insight into the fossilized hominin ancestors many of us have grown to love, like Lucy, the Old

70 min
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Podcasts with Lydia Pyne


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