Joanne Mallon's Interviews
Today we're joined by health & wellness advocate and laughter yoga teacher Cathy Nesbitt, who shares a free and easy way to reduce stress first thing in the morning. Find out more about Cathy's work at her website here: https://www.cathysclub.com/ Cathy would love you to join her free weekly Zoom laughter meeting - mor
In this episode, author Brian Sachetta talks about what we can learn from the world of computers to help improve our mental health. Brian's website is here: https://getoutofyourhead.com/ and his books Get Out of Your Head (volumes 1 & 2) can be found here: https://amzn.to/3ZNIp0T Say hello to Brian on Instagram @getout
In this 5 minute episode, author, podcaster and speech coach George Torok shares some secrets about how we can all speak with more confidence. George's website is here https://torok.com/index.html https://www.speechcoachforexecutives.com/and his podcast is called Your Intended Message https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podc
In this episode, author and NASA veteran Donald James shares his secret as to what it takes to be successful in life. Donald's website is here: https://donaldgregoryjames.com/ and his book Manners Will Take You Where Brains and Money Won't can be found here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Manners-Will-Where-Brains-Money/dp/17
3 tips for becoming a better public speaker with Brenden Kumarasamy
In this 5 minute episode, Communication Expert Brenden Kumarasamy shares 3 tips to help you become a better public speaker. Brenden is the founder of MasterTalk https://www.mastertalk.ca/ and the MasterTalk YouTube channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/c/MasterTalks Find Brenden on Instagram @MasterYourTalk Your hos
Podcast with Joanne Mallon
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