Elsa Panciroli

Elsa Panciroli, PhD

4 Interviews

Elsa Panciroli's Interviews

Cara Santa Maria & Elsa Panciroli 23 May 2022 • EN

Beasts Before Us w/ Elsa Panciroli

In this episode of Talk Nerdy, Cara is joined by paleontologist Dr. Elsa Panciroli to talk about her book, "Beasts Before Us: The Untold Story of Mammal Origins and Evolution." They discuss how many of us have our timelines all wrong, as mammals have been evolving since far before the asteroid impact that rendered the

73 min
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Jason Goodyer & Elsa Panciroli 10 Jan 2022 • EN

The origin and evolution of mammals, with Dr Elsa Panciroli

Palaeontologist Dr Elsa Panciroli takes us 300 million years back in time to an age long before the rise of the dinosaurs to chart the evolution of some of our most ancient ancestors.Once you’ve mastered the basics with Instant Genius, dive deeper with Instant Genius Extra, where you’ll find longer, richer discussions

31 min
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(9/13/21) You may think the story of human evolution begins following the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs. Yet, over the last 20 years scientists have made discoveries that have forced them to rethink that narrative. In her new book, Beasts Before Us: The Untold Story of Mammal Origins and Evolution, palaeont

55 min
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Jonathan McCrea & Elsa Panciroli 12 Jun 2021 • EN

Futureproof Extra: What Makes a Mammal a Mammal?

The sheer scale and diversity of life on this planet is absolutely staggering. From the smallest micro-organisms to the largest animals, life always seems to find a way to adapt in order to give it the best chance of surviving. And the way we, or other creatures, come into this world is just one example of this. While

18 min
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Podcasts with Elsa Panciroli


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