Elizabeth Smart

Elizabeth Smart

5 Interviews

Elizabeth Smart's Interviews

On this episode, hear from Elizabeth Smart, one of our most amazing guests ever.  In 2002, when she was just fourteen years old, Elizabeth was kidnapped at knifepoint by a pedophile from her home in Utah. She endured nine months of being shackled, raped, starved, and threatened by her kidnappers, Brian David Mitchell a

46 min
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Scott Miller & Elizabeth Smart 12 May 2020 • EN

Episode #102 Elizabeth Smart

Define Yourself | Join us for this powerful conversation with bestselling author and renowned inspirational speaker, Elizabeth Smart, as she shares remarkable stories of remarkable people who chose not to let trauma and tragedy define who they have become. Subscribe to the FranklinCovey On Leadership email newsletter a

48 min
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Jan Black + Laura Owens & Elizabeth Smart 11 May 2018 • EN

Elizabeth Smart...it's your decisions that define you

In 2002, when she was just fourteen years old, Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped at knifepoint by a pedofile from her home in Utah.  She endured nine months of being shackled, raped, starved, and threatened by her kidnappers, Brian David Mitchell and his wife, Wanda Barzee, before she was rescued and reunited with her fami

46 min
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Lewis Howes & Elizabeth Smart 18 Apr 2018 • EN

629 The Power of Hope to Heal with Elizabeth Smart

“It’s not what happens to you that defines who you are, it’s ultimately your decisions.” - Elizabeth Smart There are a lot of heartbreaking things that happen in this world. I’m sure you have your own stories. Being a victim doesn’t end with the event. It continues on for a lifetime. In the end, you have no control ove

40 min
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I was really nervous for this podcast. Elizabeth Smart has been through so much trauma. And I’m sure everyone says that to her. Was she sick of hearing that after all these years? I wanted to learn how she survived. The kidnapper came through her window, held a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her. He said it

54 min
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Podcasts with Elizabeth Smart


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