Joe Edelman's Interviews
Currents 080: Joe Edelman and Ellie Hain on Rebuilding Meaning
Jim talks with Joe Edelman and Ellie Hain about their new movement, Rebuilding Meaning, and two recent talks introducing ideas towards a better world. They discuss tools for building toward more meaningful lives, the meaning of meaning, looking behind the void, the litany of shit, exercises in eliciting meaning, cohere
93 Joe Edelman: How to Become an Educator and Build Your Brand
Joe Edelman, a photographer and photography educator, is my guest on the Learning from Smart People Podcast. He gave insight on how to become an educator and use that platform to build your brand. Not only does Joe shoot people for a living (with a camera, of course) he is a frequent presenter at trade shows, conferenc
Joe Edelman talks with Jim about values, social norms & ideological commitments, pluralism & coherence, ‘time well spent’, ethical advertising, and much more... Joe Edelman, philosopher, social scientist & designer starts this conversation with Jim by talking about how meaningfulness is connected to values, social norm
Values, Social Networks, and The Wisdom Economy with Joe Edelman
Joe Edelman (@edelwax), philosopher, social scientist, designer, and founder of Human Systems, joins Erik on this episode. They discuss: - Why the internet didn’t achieve its promise of connecting people on a deeper level. - Why we’ve become very good at shopping and networking around goals and preferences but not arou
Joe Edelman - Designing Systems for Human Flourishing
Joe Edelman is a philosopher, social scientist, designer, and founder of Human Systems, a global community for those redesigning institutions and social spaces so as to better support meaningful lives and human values. In this conversation we discuss why designing systems in alignment with human values is the way forw
Podcasts with Joe Edelman
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