Chris Stark

Chris Stark

2 Interviews

Chris Stark's Interviews

Chris Stark is the Chief Executive of the UK’s Climate Change Committee. The committee is an independent statutory body which advises the UK and developed governments on emissions targets and preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change. I think he is one of the most important and thoughtful thinkers on

74 min
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Ed Miliband + Geoff Lloyd & Emily Shuckburgh + Chris Stark + Farhana Yamin 25 Aug 2019 • EN

101. (NET) ZERO TO HERO: tackling the climate emergency

Hello! At this live show recorded at the Underbelly Festival in London we’re talking about the climate emergency, Extinction Rebellion and reaching net zero carbon emissions. What’s the scale of the crisis? How do we reach net zero? And what’s it got to do with Geoff’s favourite mangos? We’re joined by Emily Shuckburgh

56 min
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Podcasts with Chris Stark


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