Health & Fitness: Medicine

Subcategory of: Health & Fitness

Top episodes in Health & Fitness: Medicine

According to Alzheimer's research UK, over 50% of everyone listening to this podcast will be affected by dementia by either contracting the disease ourselves, caring for somebody with the disease or both. Dementia is due to impact 130 million people globally by 2050, and today it is the biggest killer in the UK. But we

109 min
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This podcast is primarily about nutrition and lifestyle, so why should we care about consciousness and self awareness? This is something I put today to Professor Anil Seth, a neuroscientist who has pioneered research into the brain basis of consciousness for more than twenty-five years. He is Professor of Cognitive and

115 min
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Rand Paul 09 Aug 2024 • EN

VIDEO: Sen. Rand Paul on Wuhan, Fauci and Covid

NOW WITH VIDEO: U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. share their experiences with coronavirus and censorship in this historic episode.

31 min
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We live in a world led by personas. It’s interesting as the public outcry is for authenticity while we feast on the curated and highly edited images and videos on social media. At the core I feel we fear being authentic as we think we’ll be exposed and lose all credibility as we have relationship challenges, health cha

61 min
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Michael Millward & Cathy Nesbitt 19 Jun 2024 • EN

Understanding Laughter Yoga

Cathy Nesbitt is a Worm Advocate, Sprout Grower, and Laughter Yoga Teacher.  In the 2002 Cathy decided that setting up a worm composting business would be a good way to contribute to protecting the environment.  After ten years of hearing people make derisory comments, she almost made the decision to give up. But then

25 min
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If you look at social media influencers, news headlines and commentary, late night TV hosts and a high percentage of the so called informed public, you find a consistent thread of cynicism. Cynicism is a general distrust and lack of faith or hope in humanity and it’s gotten to be viewed as clever and intelligent to tak

101 min
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