Casey Winters

Casey Winters
4 Interviews

Casey Winters's Interviews

Brought to you by Amplitude—Build better products | Eppo—Run reliable, impactful experiments | Ahrefs—Improve your website's SEO for free — Casey Winters is a longtime and legendary advisor and operator. He’s worked with companies like Airbnb, Faire, Canva, Whatnot, Thumbtack, Tinder, and Reddit and until recently was

77 min
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The people who rise fastest in product know how to sell their ideas to customers, and also to their coworkers. Casey Winters, the Chief Product Officer at Eventbrite (previously at Grubhub, Pinterest, and advisor to dozens of companies) shares what it takes to be successful as you rise in the ranks within product. In t

55 min
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Erik Torenberg & Lenny Rachitsky + Dan Hockenmaier + Casey Winters 05 Mar 2020 • EN

All Things Marketplaces with Dan Hockenmaier, Casey Winters, and Lenny Rachitsky

Joining Erik on this episode are: - Dan Hockenmaier (@danhockenmaier), founder of Basis One - Casey Winters (@onecaseman), Chief Product Officer at Eventbrite - Lenny Rachitsky (@lennysan), former founder as well as former growth PM at Airbnb They discuss: - How marketplaces have evolved over the last several years. -

97 min
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Amy Jo Kim & Casey Winters 27 Jun 2018 • EN

Casey Winters: Turning startups into rocketships

IntroCasey Winters is a growth specialist who understands how to blend qualitative and quantitative data to get massive and sustained results. Casey learned his craft at GrubHub and Pinterest, and then moved on to Greylock - the storied investment firm - to help their portfolio companies scale up and accelerate growth.

31 min
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Podcasts with Casey Winters


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