Ashley Colby's Interviews

DO 207 - What has happened to the left? With Ashley Frawley, Gord Magill and Ashley Colby
Gord and the two Ashleys discuss the modern state of leftism: what remains of it, and how to navigate the upside-down world where the professional-managerial elites have hijacked the conversation.
Ashley and Mary discuss her forthcoming book: Feminism Against Progress. Ashley pushes Mary to especially explore the optimism in her book, as well as the ecological underpinnings of reactionary feminism. Pre-order Mary's book now! https://www.amazon.com/Feminism-Against-Progress-Mary-Harrington-ebook/dp/B0B5Z4YT5Y
Ashley and Inez solve the battle of the sexes. Inez Feltscher Stepman @InezFeltscher is a senior policy analyst at IWF and host of High Noon with Inez Stepman, a podcast that hosts conversations with heterodox thinkers on a variety of important cultural and political subjects. She has over a decade of experience in e
DO 95 - Blake Smith w/ Donald Antenen and Ashley Colby
Ashley and first time host Donald ask Blake about his Unherd article "What Christopher Lasch Got Wrong" in which he argues that we fundamentally need to be seeking a "politics that makes politics possible." https://unherd.com/2022/11/what-christopher-lasch-got-wrong/ Blake Smith @blejksmith is a Harper-Schmidt Fel
Ashley sits down with Jon Askonas to dive into his Compact Magazine article Why Conservatism Failed (https://compactmag.com/article/why-conservatism-failed). They discuss solutions to the problem of political or cultural 'team sports' including simply driving after the Good. Jon Askonas @jonaskonas is a Fellow at th
Ashley and Lee discuss politics, Lee's IM1776 article "Country Party Reprise," localism, family, populism, and Werner Herzog's films. Lafayette Lee @Partisan_O is an American writer and veteran. See his writing here: https://im1776.com/author/lafayette-lee/ Ashley Colby @rizomaschool is an Environmental Sociologis
Podcasts with Ashley Colby
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