Gregory Landua

Gregory Landua

10 Interviews

Gregory Landua's Interviews

Jason Snyder & Gregory Landua + Daniel Schmachtenberger 11 May 2023 • EN

DO 140 - Gregory Landua, Daniel Schmachtenberger, and Jason

Today Jason is joined on the podcast by Daniel Schmachtenberger, a social philosopher whose central focus is civilization design and who is also a founding member of The Consilience Project, and Gregory Landua, the founder of Regen Network. What is “high nature,” and what is its relation to high-tech? Can both co-exist

105 min
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Gregory Landua & Jason Snyder + Daniel Schmachtenberger 10 May 2023 • EN

063: Daniel Schmachtenberger and Jason Snyder | High Tech, High Nature

Today Gregory is joined on the podcast by Daniel Schmachtenberger and Jason Snyder. Daniel is the founder of the Civilization Research Initiative focused on finding a way through the twin attractors of increasing global catastrophic risks and control dystopias, addressing the underlying drivers of each and the unantici

105 min
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Join Alex Tapscott and Andrew Young as they decode the world of DeFi with special guest Gregory Landua, CEO and Co-Founder of the Regen Network. Listen in as they discuss Gregory’s discovery of Web3 as a potential solution for ecological and social regeneration, overcoming critiques surrounding blockchain energy consum

44 min
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Regen Network is a blockchain focused on ecological regeneration and reversing climate change. Their aim is to reinvent the economics of agriculture so that farmers are seen not only as food producers, but also as land stewards. Regen Network serve as the foundation on which which other projects and protocols may build

75 min
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Gregory Landua & Jason Snyder + Matthew Pirkowski 21 Oct 2021 • EN

044: Jason Snyder and Matt Pirkowski | Wagmi or ngmi? Hope, doom and metamodern homesteading.

On this episode of the Planetary Regeneration Podcast, host Gregory Landua holds an extended discussion with two kindred Twitter spirits: Jason Snyder, a homesteader and permaculturist, and Matt Pirkowski, Founder of Catalyzing Coherence. Listen to their debate about the future of humanity, technology, and individual r

170 min
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Gregory Landua & Kim Stanley Robinson 06 May 2021 • EN

042: Kim Stanley Robinson | The Ministry for the Future

On this episode of the Planetary Regeneration Podcast, host Gregory Landua takes a deep dive with SciFi author Kim Stanley Robinson into Stan's writing process, different theories of change, the financial and economic theories behind Stan's most recent book, and the ethical imperatives of our times. Gregory mentions Re

124 min
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Podcasts with Gregory Landua


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