Andrew Barnes

Andrew Barnes

3 Interviews

Andrew Barnes's Interviews

A dynamic and growing group of companies and organizations are moving to a 4 day work week. Andrew Barnes is the pioneer behind this movement. It all started with an experiment to see what would happen if his team worked 4 days instead of 5. The results were so breathtaking that he never looked back. Now there's an ent

89 min
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Introducing Andrew Barnes, an innovator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who has revolutionized industries through market-changing innovation and digitization. As the founder of Perpetual Guardian, he sparked a transformation in fiduciary and legal services, impacting both local and global landscapes. Notably, Andrew

48 min
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My guest today is entrepreneur and philanthropist Andrew Barnes. What you might know Andrew for is the person behind creating the Four Day Work Week, where as the founder of Perpetual Guardian, he trialled having his 200+ staff do a four day work week - that is, fit five days worth of work into four. Andrew now consult

46 min
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