Ana Gabriel Mann

Ana Gabriel Mann

10 Interviews

Ana Gabriel Mann's Interviews

Our personal history can shape the way we perceive and react to the behavior of others and the types of relationships we form. If we have experienced neglect or abuse in the past, it may be more difficult for us to trust others and form close relationships. We may also be more prone to anxiety or depression. On the oth

54 min
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Although co-dependence is often referred to as being unhealthy, to some extent, it is beneficial in marriages. Deeper connections are made when partners lean on one another and give and receive as acts of generosity rather than as acts of service. In this episode, John David and Ana Gabriel Mann discuss conflict resolu

58 min
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Howie Jacobson & Ana Gabriel Mann 21 Jun 2022 • EN

How to Unlearn Bad Habits: Ana Gabriel Mann on PYP 521

Our bad habits can have deep roots, and superficial solutions only cause more distress. How can we pull out dysfunctional behaviors at the roots?

80 min
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Howie Jacobson & Ana Gabriel Mann + John David Mann 16 May 2022 • EN

Can Marriage be More Than a Lifetime of Compromises? Ana Gabriel Mann & John David Mann on PYP 516

What's the purpose of marriage? Is it to get happiness for yourself? Give happiness to your partner? Or something bigger and grander that encompasses yet transcends both?

71 min
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Larry Hagner & Ana Gabriel Mann + John David Mann 02 May 2022 • EN

The Rules of Operation in Marriage with John & Ana Mann

65% of couples under 30 don’t make it past the age of 30. Let that sink in for a minute. There is a challenge out there. This episode digs into all things marriage and how to elevate your marriage. John David Mann is coauthor of more than 30 books, including four New York Times bestsellers and five national bestsellers

64 min
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Terri Cole & Ana Gabriel Mann + John David Mann 28 Apr 2022 • EN

399 The 5 Secrets to Lasting Love with John David Mann & Ana Gabriel Mann

Today I’m sharing a special double interview with John David Mann and Ana Gabriel Mann. Though John and Ana are both amazing authors and have been happily married for decades, their most recent book The Go-Giver Marriage is the first one they have written together. We’re chatting about the five secrets to lasting love,

31 min
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Podcasts with Ana Gabriel Mann


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