Leigh Cowart

Leigh Cowart

2 Interviews

Leigh Cowart's Interviews

Jonathan McCrea & Leigh Cowart 19 Oct 2021 • EN

Futureproof Extra: Pain for Pleasure

Pleasure from pain might be something we initially associate with sex but it is actually a part of all of our lives. We see it the world over, not just in BDSM halls but in religious fasters, ultra marathoners, and hot chili addicts who revel in the burning sensation it provides. But is this desire in all of us, or is

19 min
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Mike Carruthers & Leigh Cowart + Nichola Raihani 23 Sep 2021 • EN

Why We Need Pain to Enjoy Pleasure & Are Humans Selfish or Cooperative?

“You’re call is very important to us…” Don’t you just hate hearing that? Having to call customer service can be a long and frustrating experience. So, this episode begins by discussing how to make that experience a little bit smoother. https://www.realsimple.com/work-life/life-strategies/customer-service-tips If you di

53 min
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Podcasts with Leigh Cowart


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