Travis Johnson

Travis Johnson

2 Interviews

Travis Johnson's Interviews

Travis is an active-duty officer in the United States Navy; former Vice President of Books by Vets; a board member at the S.H.I.N.E. foundation. He’s put in 1,500 volunteer hours, raising over $500k as a fundraiser; provided seed money for 6 startup nonprofits. He’s also an event coordinator and published author. Dedic

72 min
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Tammi Moses & Travis Johnson 10 Dec 2020 • EN

Travis Johnson - The Value of Leadership and Giving Back

Travis is currently an active-duty officer in the United States Navy. He is married with two children and currently on move #50!  His humble beginnings include 36 moves before graduating high school at 17, 6 states, 5 foster homes, surviving 2 murder attempts as well as  getting in serious trouble with the law. Althoug

66 min
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Podcasts with Travis Johnson


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