Thomas McGannon's Interviews
David Rosenthal, Acquired / Kindergarten Ventures | Why They Invested in Vanta, an Automated Compliance Company
Today is a special episode of UP with our first returning guest David Rosenthal from the Acquired Podcast (Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal)! This is a cross-episode for their Pod's LP Feed. We highly recommend subscribing to the feed. It's has more in depth industry knowledge and has a great community (Join their Slack
Religiously optimistic. __ Thomas’s “Unlimited Partners” podcast: https://up-pod.com/ Tegus expert network: https://www.tegus.com/ The Three-Body Problem: https://smile.amazon.com/Three-Body-Problem-Cixin-Liu/dp/0765382032 Stop Stealing Dreams: https://seths.blog/2014/09/the-shameful-fraud-of-sorting-for-youth-meritocr
Welcome to the inaugural episode of Unlimited Partners. My guest today is a good friend and one of the people who encouraged me to start this podcast, David Rosenthal, the host of the wildly popular podcast “Acquired.” Acquired tells the stories of great companies. David and his partner Ben Gilbert began the show in
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