Peak Human - Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living

Updated: 12 Jun 2024 • 219 episodes

Peak Human is a curated audio series taking an unbiased look at health & nutrition. With so much conflicting information available, filmmaker and health coach Brian Sanders sifts through the dogma and provides a framework that unifies all nutrition and dietary habits that lead to optimum health. World renowned doctors, researchers, and journalists are interviewed to find out what is the true human dietary framework that we should all be eating to live well and free of chronic disease. It is based around principles of nutrient density and uses a combination of ancestral health and modern science. It is produced ad-free to support the documentary 'Food Lies' (

Show episodes

Hello everyone, welcome back to Peak Human. This is a different kind of episode. It's going to be three 90 second podcasts. It's my new idea to fill in the gaps between peak human episodes. I do these short episodes with really interesting people I find around the internet with amazing health stories, valuable stuff in

6 min
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Andy Schoonover is the founder and CEO of CrowdHealth, a company that aims to revolutionize the healthcare payment system through crowdfunding. Schoonover's journey into healthcare innovation was sparked by a personal experience when his daughter needed a simple medical procedure, resulting in an $8,000 bill that their

72 min
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Stephan van Vliet, PhD, is a distinguished researcher specializing in nutritional metabolomics at the Center for Human Nutrition Studies at Utah State University. He is widely recognized for his groundbreaking work in identifying and analyzing over 50,000 bioactive secondary compounds in meat. Dr. van Vliet's research

77 min
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In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into Mollie Engelhart's transformative journey from a lifelong vegan upbringing to embracing regenerative agriculture and modifying her Los Angeles restaurant, Sage Bistro, to incorporate regenerative meat. Engelhart shares her compelling story, backed by her experience as bot

68 min
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This podcast episode, featuring host Brian Sanders and entrepreneur Jason Karp, delves into Jason's personal health journey of overcoming incurable blindness through dietary changes. It critically examines the negative impacts of the industrial food system on both human health and the environment, spotlighting deceptiv

72 min
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Drako, an international entrepreneur, nutrition advocate and partner at Nose to Tail, champions a diet centered on whole natural foods, emphasizing their crucial role in optimal health. He is the co-founder of the Sapien Center and the Sapien Movement, a community organization focused on human health and thriving. Afte

47 min
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