Rimi Chakraborty

Rimi Chakraborty

4 Interviews

Rimi Chakraborty's Interviews

Ready to re-evaluate what success looks like for YOU? To move toward a values-based career and life? My latest guest Rimi Chakraborty helps leaders create just that for themselves and their employees. Rimi shares how she took lessons from her MBA, her yoga studies, and her start-up jobs to overcome a difficult childhoo

75 min
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Tony Martignetti & Rimi Chakraborty 07 Aug 2023 • EN

Redefining Success By Creating A Value-Based Business With Rimi Chakraborty

The profit-driven corporate world can be brutal, especially when it overlooks the heart of the business: its people. Rimi Chakraborty had a moment of awakening while working in a corporate environment. She found her ground and started looking at life based on her values, redefining her metrics of success. In this episo

40 min
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Rimi Chakraborty 17 Jul 2023 • EN

Living Aligned with Our Values With Rimi Chakraborty

In this episode, Rimi Chakraborty and I dive into the topic of living in accordance with our core values. Discover how embracing challenges can lead to personal growth and uncover the true meaning of success. In addition, explore the responsibility that intelligent and influential individuals have in finding tangible s

31 min
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Today’s guest on Be The Good with Kate, Rimi Chakraborty, shares her inspiring story of growing up – and still growing. Her journey has brought her from near-expulsion from school while in the middle of a disruptive family life, to multiple degrees from top institutions, to a high-powered job, to finding her true passi

25 min
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Podcasts with Rimi Chakraborty


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