Martin Odersky

Martin Odersky
2 Interviews
Martin Odersky is a computer scientist best known as the chief designer of the Scala programming language. This language, now in version 3, works on the Java VM, which makes it compatible with all Java libraries. It is widely used in distributed computing and in "big data" applications.

Martin Odersky's Interviews

Martin Odersky 02 Feb 2011 • EN

Episode 171: Scala Update with Martin Odersky

This episode is an update on the developments around the Scala language.

52 min
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Martin Odersky 15 Jul 2007 • EN

Episode 62: Martin Odersky on Scala

In this Episode we talk about the Scala language with its creator Martin Odersky. Scala is a language that fuses object oriented and functional programming. Martin started out by providing a two-minute overview over the language, and then talked a little bit about its history. We then discussed the basics of functional

53 min
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Podcast with Martin Odersky


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