Madeleine Finlay

Madeleine Finlay
9 Interviews
Madeleine Finlay Madeleine is a writer, audio producer and presenter, specialising in science.

Madeleine Finlay's Interviews

Madeleine Finlay & Nicola Davis 11 Jul 2023 • EN

The awe-inspiring intelligence of octopuses

Madeleine Finlay speaks to science correspondent Nicola Davis about why octopuses are more similar to us humans than we might believe. She also hears from Prof David Scheel about our increasing understanding of the sophistication of these cephalopods, and how that should influence our treatment of them. Help support ou

18 min
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Madeleine Finlay & Nicola Davis 05 May 2022 • EN

Why is the UK suffering HRT shortages?

From hot flushes and flooding to memory problems and depression, for many the menopause can be both distressing and debilitating. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can alleviate some of these symptoms by boosting levels of hormones that wane as women get older. But the UK is experiencing an acute shortage of certain HR

10 min
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Madeleine Finlay & Nicola Davis 18 Jan 2022 • EN

Covid-19: the Omicron wave is slowing - what lies on the other side?

The coronavirus variant has spread across the UK at incredible speed – but there are signs that the wave may have reached its peak. Madeleine Finlay talks to the Guardian science correspondent Nicola Davis about what we can expect in the weeks and months to come, and whether a second ‘exit wave’ could be here in the su

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Madeleine Finlay & Rupert Neate 13 Jan 2022 • EN

Why Theranos’s blood-testing claims were always too good to be true

Last week, the tech CEO Elizabeth Holmes – once described as ‘the next Steve Jobs’ – was convicted of fraud, and could face decades in prison. Her now collapsed company, Theranos, promised to revolutionise medicine with a machine that could run hundreds of health tests on just a pinprick of blood. Those claims have sin

15 min
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Madeleine Finlay & Ian Sample 06 Jan 2022 • EN

Why are so many people getting re-infected with Covid-19?

On Wednesday, 194,747 daily confirmed Covid cases were reported for the whole of the UK. But this doesn’t include all the people who have caught the virus for the second, or even third time. In fact, official figures for England, Scotland and Northern Ireland don’t include those who have had Covid before, despite warni

13 min
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New year resolutions often include eating more healthily, doing exercise and trying to shift some of the extra weight put on over Christmas. Yet research suggests the vast majority of people who do lose weight ultimately end up putting nearly all of it back on. So why is it so difficult? Madeleine Finlay speaks to heal

12 min
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Podcast with Madeleine Finlay


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