Jules Evans's Interviews
The philosophy of Stoicism is more than 2,000 years old, but remains remarkably practical. Like the modern wellness movement, Stoicism is concerned with how to “live the good life,” and offers advice on negative self-talk, building better habits, managing events outside your control, and reflecting on your day. In this
Nazi Hippies and Authoritarian Yoga Instructors with Jules Evans
Jules Evans studies the history of ideas and was the perfect person to help me understand the abundance of insane conspiracy theories on BOTH sides of the political spectrum right now. We discuss why there are so many lizard people in tunnels, why many Nazi leaders held new age beliefs, how BLM resembles a religion, a
The Light and Dark of Western Spirituality with Jules Evans
Jules Evans is a prolific philosopher who writes on a wide variety of topics from stoicism and cognitive behavioral therapy to Artisotle and ayahuasca. Today’s conversation touches on the weaponization of social media, the need for real in-person community, the counterculture sparked by Aldous Huxley, Alan Watts, and K
Jules Evans, "The Art of Losing Control: A Philosopher's Search for Ecstatic Experience" (Canongate Books, 2017)
People have always sought ecstatic experiences - moments where they go beyond their ordinary self and feel connected to something greater than them. Such moments are fundamental to human flourishing, but they can also be dangerous. Beginning around the Enlightenment, western intellectual culture has written off ecstasy
Meditation, psychedelic drugs, charismatic Christianity, sex parties... all this, and more, in the search to lose control. With Jules Evans, author of The Art of Losing Control. Presented by Sam Leith.
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