Jonah Bayer's Interviews
Remember the dELia*s Catalog? (with Emily Heller)
Whether you're a fashionista or a dELIa*s-ista, we've got something for you on this nineties-fashion-forward episode of the podcast thanks to our guest, writer/comedian Emily Heller. Emily comes by the pod to discuss the time 11-year-old Emily wrote a complaint letter to then-president Bill Clinton about her gym teache
Remember Indigo Girls? (with Joanna Robinson)
You've gotten iconic podcast host and the SyFy dubbed "Queen of Game of Thrones" Joanna Robinson's analysis of television and film on Vanity Fair and The Ringer as well as her many popular podcasts such as "Trial By Content" and "The Ringer-Verse" but you probably haven't heard her recount how the Indigo Girls was an i
Remember Me? (with Bob the Drag Queen)
Get ready to dive purse first into this week's podcast because we are thrilled to be joined by comedian, drag queen, actor and activist, Bob The Drag Queen! You might know him from his memorable appearances on "RuPaul's Drag Race" and "We're Here," but did you know that he and Vanessa are pretty much best friends now?
Remember Happy Meal Toys? (with Danny Pellegrino)
You may know Danny Pellegrino as a screenwriter, New York Times bestselling author or host of the "Everything Iconic" podcast, but did you know that he's from the suburbs of Cleveland just like the Bayer siblings? On this episode of HOW DID WE GET WEIRD?, Jonah and Vanessa dig deep into the suburban memory well to disc
Remember Little House on the Prairie? (with Tim Heidecker)
Break out your best bonnet and riding boots because this week on HOW DID WE GET WEIRD? we are joined by comedian/actor/musician Tim Heidecker to discuss the pastoral drama series, Little House on the Prairie. Along the way we discuss Tim's job a la creperie, watching sitcoms made for adult as kids in the eighties and o
Remember WWF Wrestling? (with Max Silvestri)
Get ready to rumble because this week on HOW DID WE GET WEIRD? we are joined by hilarious comedian, writer and actor Max Silvestri! What's in a name? Apparently a lot. Jonah discusses how he was almost named Max and why he thinks he would have been a completely different and more confident person if he had Max's monike
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