Jeff Oxford

Jeff Oxford

6 Interviews

Jeff Oxford's Interviews

Today I’m thrilled to have Jeff Oxford on the show. Jeff helped boost my search engine traffic over 4x for both of my websites over at and He’s one of the few SEO consultants that I actually trust and in this episode, he’s going to teach us what it takes to rank a website in Go

49 min
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Eric Bandholz & Jeff Oxford 17 Jun 2022 • EN

180 Marketing Founder: 4 Buckets to SEO

Search engine optimization for ecommerce boils down to four buckets. That"s according to Jeff Oxford, founder of 180 Marketing, an Oregon-based firm.  Read a condensed and edited (for clarity) transcript at

33 min
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180 Marketing is a marketing agency that provides SEO and link-building services to ecommerce businesses.  On this podcast episode, their Founder and SEO Director, Jeff Oxford, joins Shane Barker to discuss their journey and challenges.  Tune in:

Jeff Oxford, 180 Marketing’s Founder, and Shane Barker talk about effective link-building tactics and tools. They share some low effort/high return strategies to build powerful backlinks, on this podcast episode. Tune in: Don’t have the t

Jeff Oxford is the founder of Link Hunter and has been in the SEO industry since 2010. He shares 4 really unique link building strategies that get results.  Listen in to hear Jeff's story and to get some high quality link building ideas that don't involve guest posting.

Steve Chou & Jeff Oxford 19 Aug 2020 • EN

318: How To Rank An Ecommerce Store In Search With Jeff Oxford

Today I’m thrilled to have Jeff Oxford on the show. Jeff runs an SEO Company called where he helps ecommerce stores rank their sites in search. He specializes in ecommerce companies, and he is actually the number one recommended SEO on Ecommerce Fuel. In this episode, we will pick his brain on how to r

45 min
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Podcasts with Jeff Oxford


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