Esther Duflo's Interviews
Esther Duflo, Économiste, Prix Nobel d'Économie 2019
Esther Duflo est considérée comme l’une des économistes les plus brillantes de ces dernières décennies. Née en région parisienne, elle a fait de la lutte contre la pauvreté son cheval de bataille. Après un cursus académique brillant entre la France et les États-Unis, elle devient professeur au célèbre MIT. Ses travaux
Esther Duflo’s research improves our ability to fight global poverty. In just two decades, co-laureates Duflo, Banerjee and Kremer have transformed development economics with their innovative experiment-based approach, which is now a flourishing field of research. Thanks to their work we have clearer perspectives on th
Esther Duflo on Management, Growth, and Research in Action
Want to support future conversations? Visit Esther Duflo’s advice to students? Spend time in the field. “It's only through this exposure that you can learn how wrong most of your intuitions are and preconceptions are,” she explains. For Duflo, it was time spent in the Soviet Union on
A Nobel Prize Winner on Rethinking Poverty (And Business)
Esther Duflo, an MIT economist, won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for her experimental approach to alleviating global poverty. Duflo’s early life working at a non-governmental organization in Madagascar and volunteering in soup kitchens in her native France inspired her to study economics and research the r
Shaun Ley speaks to the Nobel Prize winning economist Esther Duflo. The experimental trails she ran with two colleagues in Africa and India produced some surprising results. Among their findings: food aid isn’t helping the poor, and the poorest kids don’t need more books, they need more time. A fashionable idea wins th
David and Helen talk to Nobel Prize-winning economist (the youngest ever!) Esther Duflo about how to do economics better. From investing in left-behind places to helping people adapt to change, we discuss good and bad economic ideas about some of the biggest challenges we face, and how it all connects back to politics.
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