Chris Cutrone's Interviews
In this episode of the Cutrone Zone Chris discusses how he came to be a target on the left. Why was he pre-canceled in 2013? What is it about him that drives people so crazy? Support Sublation Media https://patreon.com/dietsoap

Chris Cutrone, "The Death of the Millennial Left: Interventions: 2006-2022" (Sublation Media, 2023)
In The Death of the Millennial Left: Interventions: 2006-2022 (Sublation Media, 2023), Chris Cutrone investigates how and why the Millennial Left did not take up the task of socialism for the their time and relegated themselves to the shadows of the GenX Left and the New Left before them. The Millennial Left, facing th
Chris Cutrone: Is Capitalism Pregnant with Socialism?
Chris Cutrone's "Cutronezone" featuring a conversation about his 2018 essay "The future of socialism: What kind of illness is capitalism?" School of Materialist Research Link https://schoolofmaterialistresearch.org/Integrated-Credit-Program-Fall-Semester-2023-2024 Buy Chris Cutrone's Book: The Death of the MIllennial
Chris Cutrone is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Departments of Art History, Theory and Criticism and Visual and Critical Studies at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He is the author of a trio of infamous essays published on the Platypus Affiliated Society that begins with Why Not Trump? He is also the
Chris Cutrone's first book, "The Death of the Millennial Left" is out from Sublation and available now. The pre-orders have shipped. In this episode of the CutroneZone he discusses our contemporary moment from multiple levels. What is happening to anarchists, the Marxists, the social democrats, and the rest of the lef
Chris Cutrone and Douglas Lain start to discuss Cutrone's essay "Adorno and Freud" but, before they can really begin, they have to clear up a few issues about Lacan, Structuralism, and Heidegger. Adorno and Freud by Chris Cutrone https://platypus1917.org/2010/06/10/adorno-and-freud/ Support Us on Patreon https://patreo
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